- The human voice/dialogue- you can talk about what is being said
- Sound effects
- Music
DIEGESIS- world of the TV programme we see on TV, eastenders would be watford
VERISIMILITUDE- the believble logic of the text world (which appears to be real)
1) DIEGITIC- is in any sound or music that happens inside world of diegesis- can be dialogue foot steps etc- helps to contribute to realism, creates an atmposphere, contributes to the verismilitude
click might be there, but they might be developed and manipulited during the editing process- may be louder or more be editing in
2) NON DIEGITIC- plays outside the diegesis, there to provide an appropriate emotion or mood and they may also add to the realim of the drama. Placed later in the post- production process. Could be music and soundtrack.
Foley is the repreduction of everyday sounds for use in filmaking. These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass. The best Foley art is so well intergrated into a film that it goes unnoticed by the audience. Helps to create a sense of verisimlitude in the diegesis.
The use of voice over is generally used in TV drama as a narrative device. This is first person narration.
The voice over can also allow us information about the central character and build his/her representation. They can also allow privileged information- so sometimes we will know more than the other chracters on screen- which creates drama!
Direct address= when the characters on the screen directly address the audience. It is an alternative to the voice over. This is rare in TV drama but when used can create humour or can act as a narrative device, giving us more information about the narrative. It tends to break the verismilitude of the drama. Breaks the fourth wall.
The soundtrack/score in TV drama is often used to tell the audience how we should be feeling, whether this is sad, happy, scared or amused.
The use of music is a convention of TV drama.
Incidental music- this is used to add emotion and rhythm to a drama. Usually not meant to be noticeable. Often provides tone or an emotional attitude toward the story and/or the chracters depicted. In addition, background music often foreshadows a change in mood. For example, dissonant music may be used in a film to indicate an approaching (but not yet visable) menance or disaster.
Incidental music may aid viewer understanding by linking scenes.
It is important to note that sound is often brilliantly conceived. The ffects of sound are largely subtle.
Parallel and contrapuntal sound
1) Parallel sound= when we watch a TV drama the sound we hear usually compliments and follows what we see on screen. For example fast paced, loud music in chase scenes or action sequences.
2) Contrapuntal sound= is sound that does not fit the images we see on screen. Usually done to create humour- classical over a violent film, irony
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