Laura Mulvey- Male Gaze
Mulvey sees the representation of woman in film & literature (and therefore society in general) are being dominated by a male point of view. Her belief is that the world is a patriarchy and that men have the 'active' roles and woman 'passive'. To look is seen as active.
-Men play active roles which drive the narrative- need to consider who is pushing the storyline forward usually the men
-Women play passive roles and are seen as erotic objects which slow the narrative
-Men far outnumber women
-Female roles are sidelined
-Lead roles for women scarce
Obviously there are exceptions
-Female's physical attractions such as figure and breasts to overpower the male
-House wife
-Intelligent yet willing to settle down
-Willing to put their intellegence aside
Male gaze
-Two distinct modes of the male gaze of this era: voyeuristic and fetishistic
-Mulvey argued that women were given two characters types- sexually active female & powerless female
-Films presented images of women that were produced simply for the gratification of male viewers
-Various studies in the 1970s found men to be the dominant characters and decision makes in film and TV production.
When women had important roles they were far more likely to be shown as...
-In need of protection and direction
-Offering support to the male lead characters
-Not independant or self driven
-Generally weaker
-Still objectified sexually
Changes in society
As women's roles change so does media represntation. Still objectified but also likely to be..
-Career driven
-Able (violent)
Remember changes may be made cynically and in order to make money rather than change ideologies
-How many female action stars who are not attractive?
'Gene Hunt' from Life on Mars, very sexist.
Misogny- dergorative use of women, hatred and contempt of women and girls. Sexist attitude towards what women can do.
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